$Id: FILE_TYPES.txt,v 2009/07/24 01:21:12 heshanmw Exp $ FILE TYPE INFORMATIONS -------------------------- See : http://video.heidisoft.com/features Video.module for Drupal supports multiple video formats. .mov, .wmv, .asf, .rm, .3gp, .mp4, .swf, .dir, .dcr These files type are supported out the box. To play these file types you need to enter in the path to the file. If your video is on the same webserver as drupal, you can use a path relative to the drupal directory, like "downloads/video.mov". If your video is on another server you can enter the URI to the video like "http://www.example.com/videos/my-video.mov". The .mp4 and .3gp extentions use the Quicktime player. The .dir and .dcr extentions use the Director player. If you need to add additional object parameters to swf or dir videos you can enable the "Allow adding of parameters to object HTML" option. Then in the video creation page you will be able to specify the parameters. YouTube.com support You can host videos on youtube.com and put them on your site. To do this, after you upload the video on youtube.com enter the video ID into the "Video File" field. If the URI youtube.com gives you for the video is "http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=XM4QYXPf-s8" you would enter "XM4QYXPf-s8". Google Video support You can host videos on video.google.com and put them on your site. To do this, after you upload the video on Google video enter get the the embed code. In this code you will find an attribute like src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-1591729516923874694" . You will need the -1591729516923874694 like number just after docId= . Then use "google:-1591729516923874694" as video file value. .flv Video.module for drupal 4.7 now support Macromedia Flash FLV Videos using FlowPlayer version 1.10 or above ( http://flowplayer.sourceforge.net/ ). To use .flv files simply download Flowplayer and put the file called "FlowPlayer.swf" or "Player.swf" into your Drupal folder. Then set the Flash player file name to use on the Flash settings in video module configuration page. .ogg Ogg Theora videos, video.module uses the java applet cortado to display Ogg Theora files, you can find the latest version of cortado at http://www.flumotion.net//jar/cortado/ get http://www.flumotion.net//jar/cortado/cortado-ovt-stripped-0.2.0.jar and put it into your Drupal folder as cortado.jar [ NOTE, at the time of writing, cortado.jar had a bug that caused it to fail with drupal. you can get a patched version of cortado.jar that works from http://v2v.cc/~j/cortado.jar and the bug related to this issue: https://core.fluendo.com/flumotion/trac/ticket/387 ]